Dr. Dt. Burcu Oktay Çöven
V. Ulusal ve Uluslar arası Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler * Oktay B, İşeri H. Ortodontide Sterilizasyon ve Dezenfeksiyon Yöntemleri. Dişhekimliği Dergisi 19(79): 50-53, 2008. * Halil S, Akçam O, Oktay B. Sınıf II Derin Kapanışın Twin-Blok Aygıtı ile Tedavisi: Olgu Sunumu. Türk Ortodonti Dergisi 21(3):227-235, 2008. VI. Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan Bildiriler * Oktay B, İşeri H, Kişnişci R. Treatment of Maxillary Excess With Gummy Smile: Case Report. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society 1. International Congress. Antalya-Turkiye, May 16-20,2007 * Oktay B, Halil S, Nebioğlu Ö, Akçam O, Köklü A. Effects of the Dynamax Appliance on Naso-oropharyngeal Airway Dimensions. 83. Congress of the European Orthodontic Society. Berlin-Germany, June 20-24, 2007. * Rubendüz M, Oktay B, Öz U. Evaluation of Airway Dimensions in Class II Subjects With Diffferent Rotation Types. 84. Congress of the European Orthodontic Society. Lisbon-Portugual, June 10-14, 2008. * Emral E, Oktay B, Akçam O. White Spot Lesions During Orthodontic Treatment. 14. Congress of BaSS 9. Scientific congress of BgDA. Varna-Bulgaria, May 6-9, 2009 * Eroğlu Z, Arpak N, Oktay B. Autotransplantation of Maxillary laterale Tooth ın the Patient with Orthodontic Treatment: A Case Report. 14. Congress of BaSS 9. Scientific congress of BgDA. Varna-Bulgaria, May 6-9, 2009
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